Calm is Contagious
We've overcome some major obstacles with Z Beans over the past four years, but none have impacted me more than... Read more
We've overcome some major obstacles with Z Beans over the past four years, but none have impacted me more than... Read more
Now, with a team of 15 students and three professors, we are planning to embark this summer on the first... Read more
When Arturo sent me this picture, I realized that the change in mindset that Arturo and I have thought so... Read more
In every experience, there is a lesson to be learned. But, from this one, I've witnessed just how much I... Read more
While we will have standard chocolate with varying amounts of cocoa, our focus will be on chocolate bars infused with fruits... Read more
To our customers: Thank you for your support, guidance, feedback, and trust this year. Without you, Z Beans would not... Read more
As we move into 2020, we plan to take our friendships and partnerships in Ecuador a step further by adding... Read more
I thought about the good times - the walks, the meals, the talks. I thought about the friendships we have... Read more
We are grateful for the trust of everyone at St. Francis. Their willingness to partner so quickly with Z Beans... Read more
On October 16, 2019, the coffee kiosk opened for business for the first time. While this is our third location,... Read more