The Story Behind The Name: Why 'Z' Beans?
11:25 AM:
That’s it.
I didn't give it any more thought. We had found it.
Z Beans.
The Name
May 2016.
Why isn’t El Oro, Ecuador, exporting coffee to the United States?
I’m not a genius by any stretch of the imagination, so I know there is some catch – some good reason…
November 2016.
Arturo says he wants to start importing coffee into The States, but he thinks we should talk to the mayor of Zaruma first because “it’s important that he approves of the project.”
“Why does he have to approve of the project, Arturo?”
“There is a right and a wrong way to do business here, Shane. We must run it by the mayor.”
January 2017.
The mayor approves of the project. Arturo tells him we will export thousands of pounds of coffee per year. "We will change the fate of Zaruma – we will change the fate of the entire region."
Change the fate? We don't even have a name.
February 6, 2017.
Since it’s essential that we have the local government’s blessing, we should name the company after the city. It’s only fitting.
11:17 AM:
Conrad Cornell, a good friend of mine and founder of Press App Sports, sends a message in our GroupMe:
“Zaruma Beans.”
It just didn’t seem right. There was no magic, no spunk.
11:23 AM:
I researched: “Why did Kentucky Fried Chicken change their name to KFC?” I figured there had to be a good reason why a very successful 40-year-old company would change its name.
Every article I read had a different answer. “KFC has fewer syllables.” - “They no longer wanted to be known for only fried chicken.” Another article seemed to go out in left field – “It’s detrimental for a company to have a city or specific region of the world in their name.” While it was a bit of a stretch for KFC, it made sense to me. I begin looking at other articles related to naming a business – a Forbes article mentions that a business should never ‘Box itself in.’ If I name the company Zaruma Beans, would I ever be able to expand our product offerings into other regions of the world?
11:24 AM:
While I’m pondering this extremely important decision, overthinking it in every way, Conrad sends:
“Z Beans.”
11:25 AM:
That’s it.
I didn't give it any more thought. We found it.
Z Beans.
Interesting concept. I like the name.
My apologies about missing our meeting last week.
Great story and a perfect name!